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In 西班牙 you’re bound to get some delicious and authentic Spanish cuisine. 在阿利坎特吃点东西,在Cervecería Sento停下来吃一些美味的烤小吃. With a great staff and a welcoming atmosphere, you’re bound to enjoy it. 如果你想吃一些新鲜的食物,那就去波奎里亚市场逛逛,在那里你可以挑选到巴塞罗那最美味的农产品. 如果你想品尝甜点,可以去参观这座城市著名的巧克力博物馆,在那里你可以了解到更多关于这种甜食的历史. 对于音乐爱好者来说,马德里是一个拥有现场音乐活动和音乐商店的不可思议的城市. From its well-known record store Disco Killers to its venue La Riviera, you’re bound to find something you love. 西班牙其他城市也在举办独特的音乐会,比如巴塞罗那的SkyFest, there is truly something for every music fanatic in 西班牙. 在西班牙留学,你将有机会使用你的西班牙语,并在一些最受尊敬的大学和机构上课, all while diving into the historic and beautiful culture. Explore the country and find yourself. It’s just waiting for you to have the experience of a lifetime.
- 旧金山大学 旧金山大学 in 阿利坎特, known by the locals as Calle de las Setas, 梅尔卡多中央, 阿利坎特剧院周围的街道是当地最受欢迎的与朋友一起享用小吃和饮料的地方.
- 奥尔塔的迷宫公园 The Labyrinth Park is 巴塞罗那’s oldest park, and since it's located outside of the tourist radius, it's something of an undiscovered treasure. 在新古典主义风格的花园中,你会发现一个820码长的迷宫,公园的名字也由此而来. Navigate the maze to find Eros —the god of love—at its center.
- Circulo de Bellas Artes Want to see the 马德里 skyline from its best angle? Then head to the Círculo de Bellas Artes in the center of the city. Along with its amazing views, 有一个自助餐厅,在那里你可以一边欣赏风景一边喝饮料和吃零食. Círculo de Bellas Artes提供爵士乐关注,艺术展览,和电影系列贯穿全年.
- Sierra Nevada Natural Park 内华达山脉的滑雪胜地,西班牙最高的山脉,距离格拉纳达只有半小时的路程. A paradise for mountain sports, 这个滑雪胜地有超过62英里的斜坡,每年的晴天比任何其他欧洲滑雪胜地都要多. It is the perfect place to practice all your favorite winter sports, including beautiful routes for walking, 徒步旅行, 和徒步旅行.