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Europe’s Best Kept Secret

在匈牙利留学,将教育与放松结合起来,看到大多数人梦寐以求的世界的一面. This central European country has serious personality. Find out for yourself in a range of Hungarian cities and towns, each different from the next, how much 匈牙利 has to offer. 尽情享受布达佩斯的温泉文化,经常去公共温泉浴场,这是这座城市几千年来的标志. Spend a weekend in Szentendre, a city known for its art galleries and museums, 色彩缤纷的房屋和鹅卵石街道营造出迷人的氛围. For a taste of Hungarian cultural authenticity, visit the rustic village of Hollókȍ, with its signature white washed brick houses, 在那里,帕洛克人通过食物继续保持他们的民间传统, 跳舞, 服装, 节日, 和工艺. Go back in time at Visegrád, 这是一座历史悠久的城堡,曾经是国王查理一世的家,中世纪的废墟仍然屹立在那里,每年的皇家宫殿节都吸引着游客来体验中世纪的庆祝活动. 在Esztergom停一下, another city on the Danube, to see its domed basilica that crowns the skyline up close. 这座大教堂与一座新古典主义城堡共用一个建筑群,并拥有世界上最大的天主教祭坛. 无论你是想要一个充满活力的大城市还是一个安静的小镇, 匈牙利已经覆盖了你.  




Divided by the serene Danube River, 布达佩斯长期以来一直是匈牙利热闹的文化中心和焦点,被认为是中欧隐藏的宝石.
70°F (21°C)
32°F (1°C)
  • 业务
  • 经济学
  • 社会科学

到达匈牙利时,你可能对当地的食物没有任何期望, which means you’re in for a pleasant surprise! This country’s cuisine is hearty, tasty, and easy to embrace. 从匈牙利的经典菜菜炖牛肉开始,这是一种用土豆和蔬菜做成的牛肉汤. 无论你是在餐馆吃还是在家里做,炖牛肉都是你可以信赖的安慰食物. Other popular Hungarian dishes like lángos (fry bread), fözelék (a unique vegetable stew), cabbage stuffed with meat and rice, paprikash (chicken in a paprika cream sauce), 和rakott krumpli(分层土豆)会让你对匈牙利食物产生真诚的欣赏. Satisfy your sweet tooth with Hungarian desserts like krémes, a pastry filled with vanilla custard; dobostorta, a chocolate buttercream sponge cake; and kürtȍskalács, spiral-shaped pull-apart bread rolled in sweet spices. 当你准备回家的时候,你不会想把匈牙利的食物落下.匈牙利文化中的艺术是标准与不同的混合:民间音乐和舞蹈, the embroidery of traditional 服装s worn in 跳舞s and parades, 陶瓷生产, classical and contemporary classical music, art museums and galleries, and a complex literary history. Take lessons in Hungarian 跳舞 at one of 布达佩斯’s 跳舞 houses, 当地的业余爱好者和专业人士聚集在一起,让传统得以延续. Hear the music of famous Hungarian classical composers Franz Liszt, 托克, and Kodály performed in their homeland. 参观1826年开业的欧洲最大的瓷厂之一Herend. Spend an afternoon at the annual Festival of Folk 艺术, tour the Hungarian National Gallery to see fine art, 或者在布达佩斯艺术工厂里看看这个国家最新的画作. 去城里的独立书店逛逛,那里有很多英文书,你会发现匈牙利过去的文学审查和政治抵制. 无论你想接触匈牙利的创意,你都有很多地方可以探索.  





Corvinus University of 布达佩斯

这个项目包含了从历史到政治科学和文化研究的各种科目. 它允许学生发展对当代全球问题的基本能力. CEA CAPA students take courses in English with local Hungarian and 其他国际学生,真正融入校园生活.


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  • 起价15595美元
业务、市场营销 & 经济学

业务、市场营销 & 经济学

Corvinus University of 布达佩斯

宝博体育 the heart of Europe! Expand your international experience by taking business, 市场营销, 经济学, and finance courses with local Hungarian and other international students. 在你的学期里,你可以选择各种人文学科的课程,比如政治学, 法律和更多. 除初级匈牙利语课程外,所有课程均以英语授课.


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  • 起价15595美元

If spending time in the great outdoors is more your speed, 匈牙利的风景提供了丰富的美丽的景点去发现和享受. Sunbathe on the banks of Lake Balaton, Central Europe’s largest lake, or venture onto the water to sail, 风冲浪, 或者洞穴潜水. 漫步在托卡伊葡萄酒产区迷人的葡萄园,或在阿格泰莱克国家公园的洞穴里进行洞穴探险. 徒步穿越Hortobágy国家公园,在那里你可以看到数百种鸟类, 匈牙利灰牛, 水牛, 羊, 和马. Hortobágy is the largest semi-natural grassland in Europe. Take a long dip in Lake Héviz, the world’s largest thermal lake, if you want an alternative to 布达佩斯’s many thermal baths. For a fun afternoon close to 布达佩斯, visit Margaret Island Park on the Danube River, where you can sit by the musical fountain, 去跑步, swim in the Olympic-sized pool, and catch a picture-worthy view of the city from Margaret Bridge. 匈牙利 will remind you why life is better outside. When you study abroad in 匈牙利, 你将有机会进入一个与你的祖国截然不同的新文化和地区. Pick up some Hungarian language skills as you engage with new friends, 同学们, 和教授, while enjoying the ease of courses taught in English. 了解更多关于匈牙利20世纪政治动荡的历史,通过暴露在整个布达佩斯和其他地方发现的苏联和纳粹占领的持久残余. 把自己和那些在西欧留学的学生区别开来,他们带着在其他地方无法生活的故事回国.    

匈牙利 兴趣点

匈牙利 兴趣点

  • sz chenyi温泉浴 Spend an afternoon soaking in Europe’s largest medicinal bath, where the water contains several important minerals. The pools offer a variety of temperatures and depths, and the bath complex also offers saunas, 蒸汽, 按摩, 以及其他水疗服务. 1913年开业, szacimchenyi Bath也是布达佩斯历史上迷人的一部分,也是新巴洛克建筑的一个很好的例子.
  • 恐怖之屋 在这座曾是匈牙利纳粹总部所在地的建筑中,了解匈牙利黑暗的政治历史, the Hungarian Communist Secret Police, and the fascist Arrow Cross party. 永久性展览涵盖了20世纪20年代统治匈牙利的所有压迫性政权th 它可以让你参观大楼地下室的一些前监狱空间.
  • 布达城堡 & 城堡区 乘坐缆车爬上陡峭的山坡,到达著名的历史悠久的布达城堡, where generations of Hungarian royalty once lived. The palace complex sits on Castle Hill, which borders the charming 城堡区 full of medieval, 巴洛克式的, and neoclassical architecture. 布达城堡’s grounds feature impressive sculptures, 华丽的喷泉, 花园, 洞穴系统, 还有酒窖. The 布达佩斯 History Museum is also housed in the castle.
  • 毁了酒吧 Spend a night out with friends in one of 布达佩斯’s “ruin pubs,” hip bars opened in abandoned buildings that were never renovated. Ruin pubs have become wildly popular with the locals over the last decade, and it’s easy to see why: they offer a fun, gritty atmosphere thanks to the spaces they occupy, often decorated with retro furniture and quirky art.